Web Blogs SEO - SEO Tips and Resources for Blogs

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Thursday, November 17

Make Your Blog Visible To Search Engines: Content

To all my other readers, even though these posts are directed towards Blog Seo , I highly recommend reading them because they contain some awesome Seo tips that regular website owners could use to boost their rankings. Let's dive right into this...

Everywhere you go, people say that content is king. They are right. Not only search engines love fresh content filled with nice keywords, but readers will appreciate your site and return to it more frequently if you feed 'em some cool and interesting facts. There are a few ways to utilize your content and create static html pages especially for those search engine robots. Here's how:
  • Write about yourself
Everyone enjoys reading the about page. If I'm reading a blog, I would love to know who's behind it. The About page puts you a bit closer to your readers. I don't have one, but it's coming soon...Keep coming back and one day you just might find it :)

  • Write about your industry
If you are blogging about a specific topic, write a separate page that introduces the industry you are blogging about. Search engines can use that page for rankings and your readers will use it for information. It works both ways.

  • Define unknown terms
You must keep in mind that when you write about a specific topic, not only experts will be checking out your sites. You should expect a few newbies as well. For them, create a glossary of terms you might be referring to as you blog. This can serve as a keyword factory for search engines and be of some use to those novices that wanna learn.

These are only a few things you should think about when trying to make your blog as user-friendly and robot-friendly as possible. Whatever you do, don't limit yourself to these three points. Write about what you think is cool and what others might find useful and let me know how it turns out. Share your blogs in my comments bellow so we can all enjoy 'em.


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