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Sunday, February 19

Google Pagerank Update has finally Begun!! - Update in progress...


Finally the google pagerank updates are here. Pr update has just begun on the data centers and Seemingly theres also a pr roll_back on the other dcs...

I am seeing varied results across all the datacenters but and are clearly showing some changes in PR. Luckily this Pr update may bring in some good news for all webmasters as I am seeing some good results on my sites. Few of them climbing to PR5 from PR0. Sure is good for me at the moment.

Do keep checking you site's PR as the results will start to show up in couple of days. Also the google toolbar is also not showing any changes at the moment. Its understood that this is due to new changes in datacenters the big daddy is planning and thus a delay in PR update and consequential update in Toolbar PR update.

For checking your PR I would suggest this pr checking sites. Almost shows good and accurate results.


For more such updates do log on to www.realwebtalk.com


Web Artist.


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